
Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds. As someone with allergies, you may have thought that getting a furry friend was out of the question. But don’t give up hope just yet! There are actually a number of hypoallergenic dog breeds that are perfect for people like us.

First, let’s define what we mean by “hypoallergenic.” These are dogs that produce less dander (dead skin cells), saliva, and urine, which are the main triggers for dog allergies. This doesn’t mean they’re completely allergy-free, but they can definitely make living with a dog a lot more manageable.

What are the different types of hypoallergenic breeds?

  • Hairless breeds like the Chinese Crested and American Hairless Terrier are a great option for allergy sufferers, as they don’t have any hair to shed.
  • Non-shedding breeds such as Poodles and Bichon Frise don’t lose their hair, so you won’t have to deal with constant vacuuming and lint rolling.
  • Breeds with minimal shedding, like the Maltese and Yorkshire Terrier, will still shed a little bit, but it’s minimal enough that it shouldn’t cause too many problems for most allergy sufferers.

Now, let’s talk about some of the most popular hypoallergenic breeds.

  • Poodles: Poodles are known for their hypoallergenic coat and come in a variety of sizes (standard, miniature, and toy) and colors, making them a great choice for many people. They’re also highly intelligent, which makes them easy to train.
  • Bichon Frise: This small and fluffy breed is non-shedding, making it a great option for people with allergies. Bichon Frise are known for being friendly, playful and lively.
  • Maltese: Maltese are small and gentle, with long, silky hair that requires regular grooming but minimal shedding, making them great for people with allergies.
  • Yorkshire Terrier: Yorkies are small, energetic and loving, with a hypoallergenic coat that requires regular grooming but minimal shedding.
  • Shih Tzu: Shih Tzu are small, playful and affectionate, with a hypoallergenic coat that requires regular grooming but minimal shedding.
  • Schnauzer: Schnauzers come in three sizes (miniature, standard, and giant) and are hypoallergenic due to their wiry coat, which requires minimal shedding.
  • Australian Terrier: Australian Terrier is a small, active and friendly breed with a hypoallergenic coat that requires minimal shedding.
  • West Highland White Terrier: Westie is a small, friendly and lively breed with a hypoallergenic coat that requires minimal shedding.
  • Scottish Terrier: Scottie is a small, independent and spirited breed with a hypoallergenic coat that requires minimal shedding.
  • Lhasa Apso: Lhasa Apso is a small, confident and friendly breed with a hypoallergenic coat that requires minimal shedding.

When choosing a hypoallergenic breed, there are a few factors to consider.

  • Size and exercise needs: Some breeds, like the Standard Poodle, can be quite large and require a lot of exercise, while others, like the Maltese, are more low-key.
  • Grooming requirements: Some breeds, like the Bichon Frise, require regular grooming to maintain their hypoallergenic coat, while others, like the Australian Terrier, need minimal grooming.
  • Temperament and trainability: Some breeds, like the Poodle


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